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by Dr. Sarah Brewer
A Nutritionist and Doctor
Achieving your life goals requires motivation, self-control and resilience. Although these skills don't always come easily, like any skill they can be learned. Whether you want to lose weight, eat a healthier diet, take more exercise, gain a new qualification or write that novel, you need to keep at it. Set little goals that are easily achieved – to lose one pound a week, eat an extra portion of fruit or vegetables per day, have an extra alcohol-free day per week, buy a pedometer to start recording the number of steps you take, or write 500 words per day. These little goals slowly bring you close to your big goal and allow you to feel good about yourself.
Once you find those little goals easy, consider increasing them. Add in another portion of vegetables, aim for another 1,000 steps per day, write an extra 1000 words of your novel per week.
Maintaining motivation means being clear about the benefits of achieving your goal. Just knowing them isn't enough - you also need to feel them and visualise them happening. Imaging how you'll look and feel when you become more fit and slim; see the book you've written in the window of your local bookstore; really feel the pride and sense of achievement from reaching your big goal.
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